Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v9i2

Published: Oct 1, 2021

The Effect of Employee Performance on The Quality of Drug Delivery Services in XYZ Hospital Bandung

Page: 298-306 Authors: Ririt Sundari, Tiris Sudrartono
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Read Statistic: 179

The Effect of Training On Employee Productivity at PT. Bima Sentosa Trikarya in Jakarta

Page: 307-312 Authors: Herjanto Subur, Sarwani Sarwani
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Read Statistic: 276

The Effect of Organizational Climate on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Persada Crown in Jakarta

Page: 313-317 Authors: Rusmawati Rusmawati, Hamsinah B
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Read Statistic: 194

The Effect of Discipline and Physical Work Environment on Employee Productivity At PT. Liebra Permana Gunung Putri Bogor

Page: 318-335 Authors: Ading Sunarto, Darmawan Maulana
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Read Statistic: 867

The Effect of Work Ethos on Employee Performance at PT. Pos Indonesia Pamulang Branch

Page: 336-340 Authors: Ika Ayu Mardianingrum, Imas Masriah
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Read Statistic: 162

Income Analysis of Meubel Industrial Entrepreneurs in Palopo City, South Sulawesi

Page: 341-348 Authors: I Ketut Patra, Risna Risna
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Read Statistic: 118

Analysis of the Effect of Human Resource Development and Career Development on Talent Management Formation (Survey At PT Bank Danamon, Tbk In Bandung Area)

Page: 349-359 Authors: Kosasih Kosasih
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Read Statistic: 334

The Influence of Work Discipline and Work Supervision on Employee Performance at PT. Sinar Gloria Abadi, West Bandung Regency

Page: 360-370 Authors: Justinus Octavianus, Joshua Steven, Joshua Gama Oktomega Sumartoyo
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Read Statistic: 244

The Effect of Discipline on Employee Productivity at PT. Cipta Selaras in Pamulang

Page: 371-376 Authors: Bagus Kuncoro Indarto, Umi Rusilowati
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Read Statistic: 177

Motivation, Perception and Preference of Tourists on Mangrove Tourism Destinations in Sedari Village, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regency

Page: 377-386 Authors: Andini Anggia Septyaningtyas, Nadine Azzahra Syah, Myrza Rahmanita, Nurbaeti Nurbaeti
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Read Statistic: 252

The Effect of Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Sinar Citra Abadi in Pamulang

Page: 387-391 Authors: Indra Novendri, Surya Budiman
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Read Statistic: 281

Improved Learning Management Process Writing Through Daily Journals for Authentic Assessment in Junior High School

Page: 392-404 Authors: Haerul Haerul
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Read Statistic: 157

The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance At PT. Ciptamega Infrasana in Bogor

Page: 405-410 Authors: Rani Sujarwadi, Yayan Sudaryana
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Read Statistic: 166

The Influence of Individual Characteristics on Employee Performance at PT. Cipta Selaras Abadi in Parung-Bogor

Page: 411-416 Authors: Rendy Sapto Ajie, Hadi Supratikta
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Read Statistic: 251

The Effect of Remuneration on Employee Performance at PT. BNI Syariah Bintaro Branch Office

Page: 417-422 Authors: Andy Nugroho, Moh. Sutoro
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Read Statistic: 146

Adoption of Entrepreneurial Behavior in Maintaining Business Continuity (Study on Liana Swalayan through Dart Method)

Page: 423-430 Authors: M. Kennix Blue, R Gegha Para Kamanda
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Read Statistic: 118

The Effect of Leadership and Motivation on Employee Performance at the Tamansari District Office, West Jakarta Administration

Page: 431-442 Authors: Erlita Kurniawaty, Subarto Subarto
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Read Statistic: 183

Analysis of the Relationship between Technology Awareness and Career Opportunities in Metland Tourism Vocational High School Students

Page: 443-449 Authors: Nurul Sukma Lestari, Dendy Rosman, Farah Levyta
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Read Statistic: 415

The Role of Support From Supervisors and Co-Workers on Financial Service Marketing Agents’ Performance in The Aspects of Work Motivation and Satisfaction

Page: 450-464 Authors: Rafiqah Saputri Abdullatif, Rina Anindita
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Read Statistic: 331

The Role of Job Characteristics, Empowerment and Promotion for Job Satisfaction

Page: 465-469 Authors: Siti Djamilah, Surenggono Surenggono
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Read Statistic: 398

The Effect of Product Development and Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction at PT. Langgeng Perkasa in Cikarang

Page: 470-480 Authors: Iyus Rustandi
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Read Statistic: 262

The Effect of Service Quality and Delivery Service on Consumer Satisfaction at Pizza Hut Paramount Bintaro Branch

Page: 481-490 Authors: Tita Setiawati
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Read Statistic: 612

Positioning Strategy Through PIB Achieving Tourist Satisfaction With Creative Economy In Kartika Jaya Kendal Village

Page: 491-499 Authors: Nina Mistriani, Ray Octafian, Idah Kusuma Dewi
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Read Statistic: 220

Effect Of E-Service Quality And Online Review on Guest Satisfaction at Virtual Hotel Operator in The City Of Semarang

Page: 500-510 Authors: Tuwuh Adhistyo, Wenefrida Ardhian Ayu Hardiani, Mukhamad Kholil Aswan
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Read Statistic: 290

The Effect of Customer Trust and Service Quality on Online Transportation Consumer Satisfaction on Stiami Institute Students

Page: 511-515 Authors: Siti Aisah, Resista Vikaliana, Eman Sulaeman Nasim
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Read Statistic: 241

The Effect of Service Quality and Food Products on Guest Satisfaction at The Flavor Hotel Citradream Semarang Restaurant

Page: 516-521 Authors: Sapto Supriyanto, Ray Octafian
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Read Statistic: 444

Analysis of the Relevance Curriculum With the World of Work Needs and the World of Business

Page: 522-530 Authors: Sahade Sahade, Yusuf A. Ngampo
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Read Statistic: 182

Building Place Branding of Kampung Cabe with Community at Desa Kabasiran Parung Panjang

Page: 531-539 Authors: Andriyani Hapsari, Nani Nani
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Read Statistic: 170

The Effect Of Brand Image and Celebrity Endorser on "Wardah" Indonesian Halal Body Cream Cosmetics’ Purchase Decisions

a Study on Tangerang Selatan Region Working Mothers

Page: 540-549 Authors: Riri Oktarini
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Read Statistic: 250

The Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance at PT Angkasa Pura Solusi

Page: 550-559 Authors: Siti Azizah Hamidah, Ratna Dewi, Vivi Liana, Sewaka Sewaka
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Read Statistic: 611

The Effect of Price, Positioning and Cafe Atmosphere on Consumer Satisfaction at the Janji Jiwa Cafe, Sorong City

Page: 560-573 Authors: Ratnawati Ratnawati, Wisang Candra Bintari, Digor Mufti, Rais Dera Pua Rawi
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Read Statistic: 520

Utilization of Digital Marketing on the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jebres District, Surakarta City

Page: 574-583 Authors: Sri Wijiastuti, Kurniawati Darmaningrum
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Read Statistic: 308

The Effect of Loan To Deposit Ratio on Return On Assets at PT. Permata Bank, TBK Period 2010-2020

Page: 584-589 Authors: Ginting Gerinata
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Read Statistic: 147

Analysis of Internal Financial Factors Affecting Stock Prices in Food and Beverage Companies in Indonesia

Page: 590-604 Authors: Rachmawinda Alfioni Azra, Yessi Monalisa Saruksuk, Eka Yosi Indriyani, Farah Margaretha Leon
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Read Statistic: 524

Effect of Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty on the Purchase Decision of Adidas Brand Sport Shoes by Bandung City Adidas Lovers

Page: 605-614 Authors: Deden Muhammad Adam, Adam Aditya Mandala, Muhamad Bayu Hasan Basri
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Read Statistic: 1133

The Merit System Development to Actualising Career Establishment of Civil Apparatus in East Java Province Government

Page: 615-621 Authors: Nidaul Hidayah, Nuri Herachwati
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Read Statistic: 234

The Influence of Motivation and Work Environment on the Performance of Service Unit Employees at Bank BNI Syariah Bogor Branch Office

Page: 622-631 Authors: Devy Pratiwi Rahmawati, Dimas Ari Darmantyo, Sumardjono Sumardjono
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Read Statistic: 204

The Role of Women in Council on Gender Diversity, and Their Effect on Disclosure of SDGs

Page: 632-643 Authors: Wisnu Setyawan, Siska Wulandari
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Read Statistic: 342

Analysis of Production Control, Quality Control, and Total Quality Management Against Product Failure

Page: 644-652 Authors: Miftakul Huda, Wiji Safitri
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Read Statistic: 660

The Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance with Organizational Culture as a Moderating Variable

Page: 653-659 Authors: Haedar Haedar, Apriyanti Apriyanti, Muhammad Kasran
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Read Statistic: 317

Developing Management Application for State Properties at State Islamic Institute of Palopo

Page: 660-671 Authors: Diah Asdiany, Khaidir Mubarak Putrasyam, Dodi Ilham
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Read Statistic: 159


Page: 672-681 Authors: Emul Mulyana, Surahman Surahman
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Read Statistic: 252

Financial Support on SMEs Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic

A Literature Review

Page: 682-689 Authors: Gunartin Gunartin, Heri Pratikto, Sopiah Sopiah
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Read Statistic: 441

Relationship Between Social Support, Affective Commitment, and Employee Engagement

Page: 690-695 Authors: Setiabudhi Setiabudhi, Cholichul Hadi, Seger Handoyo
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Read Statistic: 348

Crafting Jobs on Job Satisfaction to Encourage Employee Development of IAIN Palopo

Page: 696-703 Authors: Kaimuddin Kaimuddin
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Read Statistic: 148

Management of Learning Evaluation in Elementary Schools

Review of Various Approaches and Evaluation Strategies

Page: 704-713 Authors: Hisbullah Hisbullah, Andi Muhammad Ajigoena
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Read Statistic: 250