Journal Description

Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, with P ISSN 2088-4877 and E ISSN 2528-0139 are scientific journals published by the Management Science Doctoral Program, Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia. Kontigensi: Scientific Journal of Management contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science.

Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen has been indexed by Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), and Accredited by Science and Technology Index Indonesia with 3rd rank (based on Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 225/E/KPT/2022 Peringkat Akreditasi Jurnal llmiah periode Ill Tahun 2022). Published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.


Vol 12 No 1 (2024): Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen

Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

This journal is currently in the publication process of a total of 33 articles that are still undergoing editing, review, and copyediting by the team. Please check periodically your articles below, ensure the title, name, and article details are correct. (RKJ)

Published: Jun 1, 2024

Exploring the Landscape of work readiness in vocational students: A Bibliometric Analysis

Page: 1-11 Authors: Baandaalr Lizein, Hari Mulyadi, Endang Supardi, Fadli Agus Triansyah
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Read Statistic: 56

A Bibliometrics Visualization Analysis of Sustainable Green Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

Page: 12-24 Authors: Rahmad Solling Hamid, Suriyanti Suriyanti, Imaduddin Imaduddin
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Scope Management in Industry 4.0 Projects

Integrating Technology with Asian Corporate Culture

Page: 25-33 Authors: Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah, Masdar Masud, Serlin Serang
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The Influence of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at the Ground Transportation Management Office in Region XIII of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Mediated by Work Motivation and Work Discipline

Page: 34-49 Authors: Jermias Meda, Simon Sia Niha, Anggraeny Paridy, Henny Angri Manafe
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Read Statistic: 81

Digital Marketing Trends and Innovations in Indonesia: A Qualitative Exploration of Emerging Practices

Page: 50-53 Authors: Abdul Ahmad Hafidh Nurmansyah, Agus Rahayu, Heny Hendrayati
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The Impacts of Organizational Changes on Negative Emotion Resulting on Employee Trust in the Insurance Office of PT. Asuransi Sinar Mas Indonesia

Page: 54-61 Authors: Shine Pintor S. Patiro, Prisila Damayanti
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Affective Commitment in Mediating Organizational Citizenship Behavior Factors in XYZ Hospital Staff in Tana Toraja

Page: 62-73 Authors: Karina Maharati Wibowo, Oscar Jayanagara
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The Effect Of Profitability And Liquidity On Tax Aggressiveness With Good Corporate Governance As A Moderation Variable

Page: 74-87 Authors: Yhoga Heru Pratama, Antonius Rizky
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Impact of Proactive Personality and Career Adaptability on In-Role Performance through Job Crafting and Work Engagement in Indonesian Millennial Generation

Page: 88-97 Authors: Lidana Ega Nerissa, Riani Rachmawati
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Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership Style, and Career Development on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at the Depok City Kpu Office in 2023

Page: 98-114 Authors: Nur Siti Hasanah, Suryono Efendi
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Social Network Analysis: Understanding User Behavior in Threads

Page: 115-124 Authors: Diana Wahyu, Rita Ambarwati
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The Impact of Learning Agility on Work Engagement is Mediated by Psychological Empowerment and Resilience in Millennial Workers

Page: 125-132 Authors: Didi Sutardi, Dewiana Novitasari
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The Influence of Work Discipline, Competency and Physical Work Environment on The Performance of ASN Employees with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable

Page: 133-145 Authors: Umar Ali Lessy Lessy, Made Adnyana
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Obstacling Factors the Role of Sharia Banking in Achieving SDGS1 (No Poverty) as a Sustainable Development Goal

Page: 146-168 Authors: Sandra Dewi, Yaswirman Yaswirman, Rudi Febriamansyah, Henmaidi Henmaidi
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A Qualitative Examination of Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Employee Motivation in Indonesian Non-Profit Organizations

Page: 169-175 Authors: Hamsinah Hamsinah
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Influence of Motivation and Compensation on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction at PT Biofarma (Persero)

Page: 176-186 Authors: Asep Hamdani, R. Ervin Agung Priambodo
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The Influence of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Marketing Performance Mediated By Specific Marketing Capabilities at PT. Dano Jaya Plast Indonesia

Page: 187-194 Authors: Indra Setiawan, Hamzah Muhammad Mardi Putra, Anna Wulandari
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Efforts to Increase Public Awareness of Sharia Insurance Products in Indonesia Through Management Functions

Page: 195-209 Authors: Irawan Agung Wibowo, Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman
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Human Resource Competence and Work Motivation on Perfomance Employee

Page: 210-218 Authors: Sabil Sabil, Aprih Santoso, Sylvia Kartika Dhamayanti, Ratnawati Ratnawati, Ridwan Ridwan
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Designing A Leadership Training Program For School Principals To Improve The Quality Of School Management

Page: 219-230 Authors: Usman H Miri, Purwanto Purwanto, Khuriyah Khuriyah, Islah Gusmian
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Creation of Micro Market Structure in MSMEs in Review of Social Entrepreneurship Involvement, Government Policy and Empowerment

Page: 231-246 Authors: Prasetyo Harisandi, Ilham Muhammad Mardiputra, Zulfa Zakiyatul Hidayah, Steven Jordan Alvaro Ramba, Purwanto Purwanto
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An Exploration of Recent Developments in Public Policy Management: A Bibliometric Study

Page: 247-259 Authors: Gunawan Undang
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The Influence of Self-Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, Resilience on The Affective Commitment of Hospital Staff

Page: 260-268 Authors: I Wayan Aditya Tariana, Titin Suhartini, Doddy Fernando Pausoan Gultom, Destiana Kumala, Ahmad Ansyori
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The Influence of Asset Structure and Capital Structure on Return on Assets

(A Case Study of PT. Air Asia Indonesi Tbk. 2015-2023)

Page: 269-282 Authors: Nicko Albart, Hadi Purnomo
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The Influence of Teachers' Readiness Level and Motivation on The Implementation of The Merdeka Curriculum (IKM) in North Ternate City

Page: 283-289 Authors: Ramdani Salam, Putri Adibatur Rohmah, Syarifuddin Adjam, Asnita Ode Samili, Muhlis Malaka
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The Influence of Quality of Work Life, Mental Workload, and Self-Efficacy on Job Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction in Nurses at Panglima Besar Soedirman Hospital

Page: 290-302 Authors: Marlin Feriani Sormin, Oscar Jayanagara
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The Influence of Religiosity on Repurchase Intention with Perceived Behavioral Control and Brand Image as Connecting Factors

Page: 303-310 Authors: Yesa Ramadhani, Kusyana Kusyana, Mutdi Ismuni
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The Influence of Effective Communication and Responsiveness of Pediatricians on Patient Loyalty with Patient Trust as an Intervening Variable at the Depok Hospital Executive Polyclinic

Page: 311-319 Authors: Sri Djuniarti, Kemala Rita, Idrus Jus'at
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Cybersecurity Impact of Cybercrime in Strengthening Trust In BSI Kc Rantau Prapat

Page: 320-331 Authors: Zulfa Khoiriah, M. Ikhsan Harahap, Nursantri Yanti
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The Influence of Digital Banking Product And Service Innovation on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction at Hana Bank Lippo Cikarang

Page: 332-341 Authors: Ratnasari Ratnasari, Adibah Yahya, Susan Kustiwan
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The Government's Practices in The Strategy for the Development of the State's Businesses

Page: 342-351 Authors: Fika Nurtivanny, Imsar Imsar, Aqwa Naser Daulay
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The Influence of Transformational Leadership Skills and Organizational Climate on Job Satisfaction Which Impact Business Performance

Page: 352-363 Authors: Ni Luh Yulyana Dewi, I Wayan Joniarta, Ni Ketut Arniti
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Analysis of The Role of Operation Strategy to Create Competitive Advantage Using The SWOT Method at PT Bina Karunia Indonesia

Page: 364-375 Authors: Rizki Suma Pratama, Wiwik Handayani
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Impact of Price, Location, Facilities, and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction

Page: 376-389 Authors: Panca Syahputra, Aqwa Naser Daulay, Budi Harianto
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Marketing Strategical Analysis of Products UMKM Markets with Tol

Page: 390-395 Authors: Muhammad Iqbal Nasution, Muhammad Syukri Albani Nasution, Nur Ahmadi Bi Rahmani
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Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) In Improving The Community's Economy In The Concept Of Falah

(Case Study PT. Buana Wiralestari Mas Kampar District)

Page: 396-408 Authors: Ariyadi Ariyadi, Nurlaila Nurlaila, Aqwa Naser Daulay
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The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Compensation on Employee Performance with Organizational Commitment as Mediation at Pelita Bangsa University

Page: 409-423 Authors: Septian Dwi Cahyo, Taufiq Rahman, Tri Ngudi Wiyatno
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Impact Of Implementation and Operational Efficience on the Profitability of Indonesia's Principal Bank Period 2014-2023

Page: 424 - 432 Authors: Nurul Annisa, Marliyah Marliyah, Tuti Anggraini
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Bamboo Crafts Business Development Model Reviewed From The Perspective Of Maslahah

Authors: Adelia Fitra Gustari, Muhammad Arif, Muhammad Lathief Ilhamy Nasution
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Implementation of EMKM SAK Application to Quality of UMKM Financial Reporting

Authors: Jauhariah Al-Islam Inayatulah, Laylan Syafina, Yenni Samri Julianti Nasution

Factor Analysis of the Influence of Tax Knowledge and Taxpayer Awareness on Individual Taxpayer Compliance at KPP Yogyakarta

Authors: Uum Helmina Chaerunisak, Sri lestari Yuli Prastyini , Roban

The Analysis of the Role of Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) in Increasing the Number of Customers at Bank Sumut Syariah KCP Rantauprapat

Authors: Mei Linda Ritonga, Yenni Samri Juliati Nasution, Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap

Implementation of Digital Marketing Strategy for the Development of Spiritual Tourism in Bali Province

Authors: I Komang Arif Ariyadi, Ni Putu Nina Eka Lestari
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