Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v10i2

Published: Dec 14, 2022

The Role of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Trust in the Employer on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Industrial Employees in the Industrial Revolution Era

Page: 180-187 Authors: Teguh Iman Santoso, Kuswoyo Kuswoyo, Moch Aminudin Hadi, Syaifullah Syaifullah, Ratna Komala Putri
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Read Statistic: 226

Integrated Financial Governance Model with Budget Realization Information System

Page: 188-193 Authors: Andry Priharta, Nur Asni Gani, Jaharuddin Jaharuddin, Rony Edward Utama, Darto Darto, Medo Maulianza, Tri Ananto
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Read Statistic: 363

The Effect of Sales Growth, Profitability, Leverage and Liquidity on Financial Distress Conditions at Transportation Sub-Sector Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX)

Page: 194-207 Authors: Yusril Yusril, Candra Dwi Hardiana, Suparyati Suparyati
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Read Statistic: 341

The Effect of Celebrity Instagram Endorsment on Impulsive Buying Behavior in Students in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province

Page: 208-216 Authors: Triyani Capeg Hadmandho
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Trust in Corporate Image and Its Impact on Customers' Loyalty

Page: 217-221 Authors: Mochamad Miswanto Gunawan, Tutik Tutik, Krisnawati Setyaningrum Nugraheni , Ray Octafian
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Read Statistic: 211

Profitability Ratio Determinants on PT. Bank BRI Tbk Period 2011- 2021

Page: 222-226 Authors: Muliahadi Tumanggor
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The Effect of Work Ethics and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Implementing Tello Power Control Unit, Makassar City

Page: 227-233 Authors: Patta Rapanna, Andi Sulfati, Mursidah Mursidah
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Read Statistic: 179

Employee Performance: Compensation and Career Development

Page: 234-240 Authors: Johannes Jonni Hendra Sagala, Ivan Gumilar Sambas Putra
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The Influence of Accountability and Transparency on The Quality of GMIT's Financial Reports in Kupang City

Page: 241-245 Authors: Linda Lomi Ga, Sarlin Paleina Nawa Pau, Maria Prudensiana Leda Muga
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The Influence of Leadership and Work Environment on The Performance of Pagedangan Village Office Employees, Pagedangan District, Tangerang District

Page: 246-254 Authors: Irma Sari Octaviani, Didi Sunardi
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The Effect of Advertising Tax Extensification and Intensification on Regional Tax Revenue

(Study The Case on the Revenue Agency Bandung City Regional Tax Period 2014-2021)

Page: 255-265 Authors: Melin Archanggela, Shinta Goddess Herawati
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Read Statistic: 245

Implementation Of The Basic Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility As A Branding Strategy at Amboina Restaurant

Page: 266-271 Authors: Dita Arisona, Muh Syarif, Nurita Andiani
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Read Statistic: 179

Analysis of the Impact of People's Business Credit (KUR) in the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Telaga Jaya and Tilango Sub-Districts, Gorontalo Regency

Page: 272-276 Authors: Idham M. Ishak, Hais Dama
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Read Statistic: 178

Employee Performance in terms of Compensation and Work Motivation

Page: 277-281 Authors: Aletta Dewi Maria
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Brand Valuation of Garment Companies for Tax Purposes

Page: 282-290 Authors: Rahmat Heryat Furqon, Azhar Affandi, Jaja Suteja, Dadang Suwanda
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Read Statistic: 291

Store Atmosphere and Store Location as Determinants of Consumer Buying Interest

Page: 291-298 Authors: Kurniawati Mulyanti, Mutdi Ismuni, Rustomo Rustomo
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Read Statistic: 232

The Effect of Risk Management and Profitability on Stock Prices Moderated by Good Corporate Governance Variables

(Empirical Study of LQ 45 Indexed Companies Period 2017 – 2021)

Page: 299-311 Authors: Zulfitra Zulfitra , Yulian Bayu Ganar, Sahroni Sahroni, Muhammad Abiyyu Arsyan
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Read Statistic: 236

Factors That Influence on Online Purchase Decisions

(Student Case Study at the Faculty of Economics, Lancang Kuning University)

Page: 312-319 Authors: Dwika Lodia Putri, Nurmansyah Nurmansyah, Aznuryandi Aznuryandi, Denok Sunarsi, Nurmin Arianto
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Read Statistic: 248

The Effect of Workload and Autonomy on Organizational Commitment with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Permanent Lecturers at Hang Tuah University Surabaya

Page: 320-332 Authors: Ria Fitriana
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Read Statistic: 208

The Influence of Local Government Financial Factors on the 2021 Budget Forecast Error: Studies on Local Governments in Indonesia

Page: 333-340 Authors: Yohana Febiani Angi, Minarni A. Dethan, , Maria Indriyani H. Tiwu
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Read Statistic: 126

The Effect of Work Culture and Physical Skills Competence on Employee Performance at PT. Khong Guan Biscuit Factory Indonesia Ltd

Page: 341-346 Authors: Endang Sugiarti, Hikmatul Ulum Alawiyah, Wahyudi Wahyudi
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Read Statistic: 234

Determinants of the Decision to Provide Loans to Potential Investors on a Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform

Page: 347-351 Authors: Elsye Fatmawati, Parulian Parulian
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Read Statistic: 136

The Effect of Work Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Rumah Riuh Renjana, Jakarta

Page: 352-362 Authors: Endang Kustini, Sinta Sulistiani, Rini Dianti Fauzi
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Read Statistic: 184

The Effect of Deferred Tax and Tax to Book Ratio on Company Financial Performance

(An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Companies in The Food and Beverages Sub-Sector Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange for The Period 2017-2021)

Page: 363-370 Authors: Dita Damayanti
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Read Statistic: 190

The Influence of Service Quality and Current Account Customer Trust on the Decision to Save Funds at PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk Bekasi Main Branch Office

Page: 371-382 Authors: Ali Mutaufiq, Sawqi Saad El Hasan, Ermi Herawati, Destiana Utarinda, Ana Wijandari
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Read Statistic: 220

Organizational Communication Management at PT. Paramount Enterprise International in Efforts to Increase Product Sales

Page: 383-390 Authors: Alfin Ortavian, Ahmad Toni
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Read Statistic: 244

Accountability of Population Administration Services at the Tamalanrea Subdistrict Office in Makassar City

Page: 391-396 Authors: M. Awaluddin
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Read Statistic: 109

The Effect of Work Experience and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. BCA Tbk Pamulang Branch

Page: 397-402 Authors: Prasetyo Kurniawan
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Read Statistic: 131

The Effect of Propolis Product Price and Promotion on Consumer Purchase Interest at PT. Nano Herbaltama International in Setu District, South Tangerang City

Page: 403-407 Authors: Arman Syah, Dedek Kumara, Nefo Indra Nizar, Uswatun Hasanah
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Read Statistic: 139

The Effect of Service Quality and Promotion on Purchasing Decisions that Impact Consumer Loyalty in Using VIT Bottled Water Production by PT. Tirta Varia Intipratama in Bandung Region

Page: 408- 415 Authors: Heri Erlangga
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Internal Control System Analysis of Merchandise Supply at PT. Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret) Wr. Supratman South Tangerang

Page: 416-420 Authors: Krisdiana Krisdiana, Muhamad Saddam, Hasbu Naim Syaddad, Dadang Yudih, Nur Ainiyah Dini Rizky
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Read Statistic: 160

Management of Madrasah Leadership

Between Change and Resistance

Page: 421-431 Authors: Andi Muhammad Ajigoena, Hisbullah Hisbullah
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Read Statistic: 88

Analysis of Self-Organizing Maps and Fuzzy C-Means methods in Clustering Teacher Data for Nominations of Candidates for Education Unit Supervisors

Page: 431-438 Authors: Abd. Rahman
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Read Statistic: 66

Research Methodology as a Calibrator for the Validity of Scientific Research Results

Page: 439-447 Authors: Andi Agus Mandasini
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Read Statistic: 381