Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v11i1

Published: Jun 1, 2023

The Effect of Price Discount and Store Atmosphere on Positive Emotion

(Study on Alfa Midi Store in Palopo City)

Page: 1-10 Authors: M. Risal, Andi Nadirah, Ramli Ramli
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Read Statistic: 213

The Influence of Price Discount and Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty to Customers of the Juragan Tepi Sawah Restaurant in Palopo City

Page: 11-19 Authors: Achmad Efendi, Muammar Khaddapi, Salong Salong
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Read Statistic: 249

The Influence of Kaizen Culture, Work Discipline on Productivity with Implementation of Employee Performance at PT. Mandom Indonesia

Page: 20-29 Authors: Camelia Aisyah Amini, Rahmat Hidayat
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Read Statistic: 192

The Influence of Person-Job Fit on Work Engagement and Turnover Intention, Mediated by Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict among State-Owned Banks Employees in Jakarta

Page: 30-43 Authors: Yulita Suryantari, Andy Mulyana, Nihan Anindyaputra Lanisy, Ni Wayan Marsha Satyarini
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Read Statistic: 242

Strategy for Development of Istiqomah Poterry SMEs in Paseban Village Using the Smart Business Map

Page: 44-51 Authors: Monica Luciana Indriawati, Imanuddin Hasbi
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Read Statistic: 92

Exploring Family Businesses Succession in Indonesia: The Knowledge Management Lenses

Page: 52-67 Authors: Yusuf Yeheskiel Pane, Rossalina Christanti
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Read Statistic: 181

Remuneration: Performance-Based Payment System in Higher Education Institutions

Page: 68-76 Authors: Andry Priharta, Nur Asni Gani, Jaharuddin Jaharuddin, Rony Edward Utama
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Read Statistic: 177

Domestic Tourist Interest in Lake Toba Tourism Area Destinations

Page: 77-85 Authors: Beby Karina F.S, Anitha Paulina Tinambunan, Kornel Munthe, Donalson Silalahi, Miska Irani Tarigan
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Read Statistic: 225

The Effect of Competency and Motivation on Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at KJPP Abdullah Fiantoro and Partners

Page: 86-94 Authors: Firmansyah Firmansyah, Fadhilah Izhari , Cecep Haryoto
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Read Statistic: 127

Employee Professional Improvement Model Civil State in Resource Staff Work Units State Police Human Power Republic of Indonesia

Page: 95-101 Authors: Yudianto Adhi Nugroho, Nurliah Nurdin, Hamka Hamka
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Read Statistic: 77

Antecedents of the Digitization of Small and Medium Enterprises: Case in Sumedang Indonesia

Page: 102-114 Authors: Diana Sari, Kurnia Khafidhatur Rafiah, Wa Ode Zusnita Muizu, Amelia Rizky Alamanda
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Read Statistic: 140

The Effect of Firm Size and Sales Growth on Profitability Mediated by Capital Structure

(Study on Manufacturing Companies Registered on the IDX in the Consumer Good Industry Sub Sector)

Page: 105-114 Authors: Nekky Rahmiyati, Listiana Sri Mulatsih, Alfiana Alfiana, Puji Afriyeni, Teguh Setiawan Wibowo
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Read Statistic: 301

The Existence of Traditional Markets in the Face of Modern Markets

(A Case Study of Traders in Wamena, Papua)

Page: 115-125 Authors: Nurul Yaqin, Rita Ambarwati, Sigit Hermawan
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Read Statistic: 281

Analysis of The Influence of Religiusity, Legal Awareness, and Education on Tax Reduction Zakat with Profit Quality as Moderation

Page: 126-136 Authors: Muhammad Saddam, Syahril Djaddang, Darmansyah Darmansyah, Herman Rustandi
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Read Statistic: 125

Analysis of Financial Ratio Before and During Covid-19 in Consumer Goods Industry Sector 2018-2021

Page: 137-142 Authors: Sindik Widati, Edi Tri Wibowo, Adibah Yahya, Nur Safa’ah
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Read Statistic: 252

Strengthening Entrepreneurship Characteristics in the Effort of Increasing MSMe Performance Through Management Ability and Entrepreneurship Competence

Page: 143-154 Authors: Dian Triyani, Edy Mulyantomo, Rr. Lulus Prapti Nugroho Setiasih Surjanti
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Read Statistic: 149

The Effect of Net Interest Margin Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio and Return on Assets at Commercial Banks on Gross Domestic Product Before and after the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Page: 155-162 Authors: Ahmad Zaki
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Read Statistic: 223

The Effect of Demand, Convenience, Interactivity, Playfulness Through Impulsive Buying as an Intervening Variable on Shopee Live

Page: 163-176 Authors: Uswatun Khasanah, Arif Kuswanto
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Read Statistic: 523

The Impact of Carbon And Energy Prices on The Return of Energy Sector Stock in Selected Asia-Pacific Countires

Page: 177-193 Authors: Mawhibah Hasan Almas, Nora Amelda Rizal, Suhal Kusairi
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Read Statistic: 228

The Impact of Stock Selection, Market Timing and Equity Fund Size on Equity Funds Performance during Covid-19

Page: 194-201 Authors: Arifin Hasudungan Manurung, Pardomuan Sihombing
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Read Statistic: 141

The Influence of Profitability and Funding Policy on Dividend Policy and Its Impact on Profit Growth

(Study on Food and Beverages Companies Listed on the IDX)

Page: 202-207 Authors: Budi Prijanto, Agustin Rusiana Sari, Fera Riske Anggita, Irwan Moridu, Suseno Suseno
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Read Statistic: 193

Econometric Model of Economic Growth In Indonesia Using Dynamic Panel Data Using the FD-GMM Arellano-Bond and SYS-GMM Blundell-Bond Approaches

Page: 208-213 Authors: Ashari Gunawan, Fadli Agus Triansyah, Reyna Karlina, Gustina Yusuf, Aulia Rachma Dinantika, Arif Wahyudi
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Read Statistic: 414

Development Model for the Balo' Toraja Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP Balo'ta): Building a Core Value Based on the 'Balo'ta' Philosophy in Organizational Management

Page: 214-224 Authors: Oktavianus Pasoloran, Ade Lisa Matasik
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Read Statistic: 138

Analysis of Revenue, Marketing Costs, and Profit Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Page: 225-232 Authors: Lisdawati Lisdawati, Susanto Yogo Purnomo, Melinda Melinda, Hofandrik Lase , Eka Yulianto, Yusnina Yusnina
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Read Statistic: 156

Determinant Analysis of Going Concern Audit Opinion

(Empirical Study of Manufacturing Companies in the Consumer Good Industry Sub-Sector on the IDX in 2017-2021)

Page: 233-241 Authors: Kadek Indah Kusuma Dewi
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Read Statistic: 158

Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Satisfaction and Their Impact on Green Product Consumer Loyalty

Page: 242-246 Authors: Ashur Harmadi, Edhie Budi Setiawan, Misrofingah Misrofingah, Ratnawati Ratnawati, Deni Apriansyah
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Read Statistic: 381

Measuring the Root Determinants of Income Level and the Impact on the Financial Literacy of MSME Actors

Page: 247-254 Authors: Anton Priyo Nugroho, Syawal Zakaria, Yulianti Yulianti, Maryam Sangadji, Ninik Endang Purwati
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Read Statistic: 191

Ethical Fintech is a New Way of Banking

Page: 255-260 Authors: Rina Arum Prastyanti, Rezi Rezi, Istiyawati Rahayu
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Read Statistic: 578

Comparative Analysis of Islamic Banks’ Performance in Indonesia and Malaysia with RGEC and the Islamicity Performance Index (2018-2021)

Page: 261-272 Authors: Tata Fatima Azzahra, Muhammad Sholahuddin, Soepatini Soepatini
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Read Statistic: 256

Development Strategies and the Impact of Marine Tourism on the Socio-Economic Conditions of Communities Around Jepara Regency Based on Ecotourism

Page: 273-280 Authors: Dena Ayu Aviantih, Sucihatiningsih dian wisika prajanti, Shanty Oktavilia
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Read Statistic: 160

Local Branding: Imperative Strategy Towards Competitiveness of Sustainable Destinations Through the Role of Social Media

Page: 281-293 Authors: DC. Kuswardani, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Totok Wibisono, Aprih Santoso
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Read Statistic: 108

Analysis of Factors Influencing Delays in the Absorption of the Local Government Revenue Expenditure Budget of the Regional Government of Papua Province

Page: 294 - 298 Authors: Wa Ariadi, Muh. Syafii, Yendra Yendra, Windy Jatmik
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Read Statistic: 145

The Effect of Ease of Transaction, Promotion and Utilization of Shopeepay on the Decision to Use Digital Money on STIE Wibawa Karta Raharja Students

Page: 299-305 Authors: Duki Adam, Frisca Wulan Febriyanti
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Read Statistic: 127

Implementation of the Proud Papua Policy (Building Prosperous Papua's Generations and Families) in Asmat Regency, Papua Province

Page: 306-312 Authors: Halasson Fransisco Sinuarit, Muchlis Hamdi, Wirman Syafri, Mansyur Achmad
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Read Statistic: 68

Leader's Entrepreneurial Resilience a Strong Predictor of New Hotel Performance in Yogyakarta

Page: 313-319 Authors: Denny Bernardus Kurnia Wahyudono
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Read Statistic: 108

Interest in Visiting in Terms of City Branding and City Image in Bantimurung Tourism Objects Mars County

Page: 320-329 Authors: M. Yusuf Alfian Rendra Anggoro KR, Muhammad Yusuf, Lina Mariana, Nur Sandi Marsuni
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Read Statistic: 249

Analysis of Determinants of Economic Growth

Page: 330-338 Authors: Maryam Sangadji, Seri Suriani, Abdul Basir, Dian Indah Sari, Samuel PD Anantadjaya
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Read Statistic: 98

Determinant Analysis of Work Motivation and Its Impact on Employee Performance at Halu Oleo Kendari University

Page: 339-343 Authors: Muhammad Amir, Harries Madiistriyatno, BB Suriyani , Rahman Rahman, Sitti Hairani Idrus
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Read Statistic: 97

Influence Store Atmosphere and Word of Mouth on The Purchase Decision with Interest to Buy as Intervening Variable

Page: 344-352 Authors: Nur Aini Parwitasari, Yana Sonjaya, Edi Tedi, Megie Ambarsari, Nur Ahmad Ruyani
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Read Statistic: 132

Analysis of Principal Managerial Skills in State Senior High Schools

Empirical Evidence from Palopo City, Indonesia

Page: 353-361 Authors: Vivit Erisa, Hilal Mahmud, St. Marwiyah, Edhy Rustan
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Read Statistic: 98

The Role of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Enhancing Family Literacy and Financial Management from the Perspective of Islamic Economics

Page: 362-369 Authors: Muh. Akbar, Mukhaer Pakkanna
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Read Statistic: 85

The Role of Innovation Orientation in Improving Marketing Communication and Marketing Performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the Culinary Sector

Page: 370-376 Authors: Ratna Dewi, Rahmad Solling Hamid, Andi Sismar, Riska Eka Putri Bachtiar, Sudarman Moonai, Asriany
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Read Statistic: 222

Citizenship Education Management Based on Character in Junior High Schools

Page: 377-385 Authors: Rosida Rosida, Hilal Mahmud, Taqwa Taqwa
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Read Statistic: 53