Published: Dec 31, 2023

Experiential Marketing's Impact on Visit Decisions: The Role of Visitor Satisfaction at Ullen Sentalu Museum

Page: 386-393 Authors: Yesa Ramadhani
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Read Statistic: 204

Factors that Influence Social Media Marketing Activity and the Effect on Business Performance of The SMEs in Bandung

Page: 394-408 Authors: Syafa Firsta Alika, Teguh Widodo
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Read Statistic: 139

Implementation of Sentiment Analysis in HR Management and Development Planning Using Topic Modelling on Employee Review

Page: 409-417 Authors: Furqon Sandiva Utomo Putra, Ira Puspitasari
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Read Statistic: 169

Analysis of Financial Performance, Efficiency, and Organizational Growth of Zakat Management Organizations on Zakat Collection in Indonesia

Page: 418-428 Authors: Firdha Amaliah
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Read Statistic: 77

The Role of Family Support in Enhancing Self-Confidence and Business Performance in Women Entrepreneurs

A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evaluation

Page: 429-435 Authors: Muh. Arif, Rahmad Solling Hamid
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Read Statistic: 160

Understanding the Evolution of Entrepreneurial Learning: A Bibliometric Overview

Page: 436-448 Authors: Fadli Agus Triansyah, Hari Mulyadi, Endang Supardi, Baandaalr Lizein
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Read Statistic: 223

The Role of Firm Size as a Moderating Variable on Special Relationship Transactions, Modal Intensity, and Profitability Towards Effective Tax Rate

Page: 449-457 Authors: Lukman Hakim, Daljono Daljono
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Dividend Policy Mediates the Effect of Financial Performance on Firm Value

(Study on Manufacturing Companies on the IDX)

Page: 458-472 Authors: Zessicha Belliana Putri, Khuzaini Khuzaini, Suhermin Suhermin
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Read Statistic: 195

Distribution of Garlic Marketing Margin in West Miomaffo District, North Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

Page: 473-482 Authors: Anggraeny Paridy, Stanis Man, Adrianus Ketmoen, Hironimus Dopo, Leni Marlina Kanadjo
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Read Statistic: 137

Consumer Reviews on TikTok and Their Impact on Millennial Saving Decisions

Page: 483-490 Authors: Shagi Aprilia Kurniawan, Tetty Rimenda, Agus Buntoro, R. Elly Mirati
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Read Statistic: 300

Analysis of Consumer Behavior Towards Product Groups at Indomaret Sudiang Raya

Page: 491-499 Authors: Paulus Djohan Lolo, Nurdiansyah Nurdiansyah
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Read Statistic: 136

Entrepreneurial Resilience and Self Efficacy During the Covid-19

(Case Study of Culiner Sector Micro Business in Bekasi City)

Page: 500-512 Authors: Mediany Kriseka Putri, Ramadhan Putra Lesmana
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Read Statistic: 102

Analysis of Service Science Design through Customer Experience to Increase PosAja Application User Satisfaction

Page: 513-527 Authors: Sukma Rukmana, Wiwik Handayani
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Read Statistic: 100

The Effect of Social Media Marketing Activity on Consumer's Purchase Intention in Huitsportwear Products Mediated by Customer Trust

Page: 528-532 Authors: Teguh Widodo, Naufal Farras Rizqullah
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Read Statistic: 118

Influence of the use of Instagram Media on the Decision to Purchase Sa'dan Weavings, North Toraja District

Page: 533-543 Authors: Daniel Lallo Pakiding, Seni Sapu, Hendrikus Kadang, Abner Tahendrika, Westerini Lusdani
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Read Statistic: 97

The Influence of Operations Strategy, Innovation and it Readiness on Smart City Implementation in Serang City and its Impact on Public Organization Performance

Page: 544-555 Authors: Zakiyah Zakiyah, Furtasan Ali Yusuf, Uli Wildan
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Read Statistic: 73

Quality of Services at RSUD X, Emotions and Satisfaction of Covid-19 Patients

Page: 556-576 Authors: Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Hendrian Hendrian, Prisila Damayanty, Ramdhan Kurniawan, Surya Adi Sasmita
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Read Statistic: 189

Study of Minimum Service Standard Index in Public Transportation: Sample of Trans Pakuan Bogor

Page: 587-597 Authors: Octadian Pratiwanggono, Rima Febrina
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Read Statistic: 79

Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance of Sharia Banks and Conventional Banks

Page: 577-581 Authors: Anton Priyo Nugroho
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Read Statistic: 111

Analysis of Entrepreneurial Marketing Implementation in Beauty Clinics

(A Case Study in “X” Beauty Clinic)

Page: 582-586 Authors: Artarina D. A. Samoedra, Nur Pudyastuti Pratiwi, Aditia Arief Bachtiar, Shila Carolina Madan, Agil Nurul Insani
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Read Statistic: 103

Financial Performance AnalysisBanking CompanyOn the Indonesian Stock Exchange

Page: 598-602 Authors: Fredy Olimsar, Nurmawati Mambuhu, Nurhikmah Sibua, Sri Wahyuningsih, Alfiana Alfiana
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Read Statistic: 192

Application of technology acceptance model (TAM) through the concept of Perceived Usefulness in the BRIguna Digital marketing program

Page: 603-622 Authors: Sonia Anuar Sonia, Endy Gunanto Marsasi
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Read Statistic: 231

The Influence of Social Environment and Financial Literacy on Students' Financial Behavior With Fintech as a Moderation

(Study on STIE Hidayatullah Depok Students)

Page: 623-633 Authors: Muhammad Saddam, Tsamarah Az Zahra, Muhammad Rifais
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Read Statistic: 120

Analysis of Investment Feasibility for the Wonderlife Hotel Development Project in Pangandaran Based on Financial Aspect

Page: 634-643 Authors: Dede Hilman, Kharisya Ayu Effendi
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Read Statistic: 161

Understanding Restaurant Customers' Environmental Behavior in the Social Media Context: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior

Page: 644-656 Authors: Unggul Kustiawan, Laksmi Pandansari
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Read Statistic: 163

Implementation of Digital Campaign in Ranca Upas for Sustainable Tourism

Page: 657-670 Authors: Desy Oktaviani, Keni Kaniawati, Andhi Sukma
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Read Statistic: 170

The Effect Of Human Resources Development On Employee Performance At Government Office In South Sumatra

Page: 671-678 Authors: Ferdy Leuhery, Ratnawita Ratnawita, Kunto Atmojo, Hermiyetti Hermiyetti, Halim Dwi Putra
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Read Statistic: 256

The Influence of Work Environment and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Valdo International Central Jakarta

Page: 679-690 Authors: Suwanto Suwanto
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Read Statistic: 185

The Influence of Individual Creativity and Product Innovation on Coffee Shop Barista Career Development in Pekanbaru

Page: 691-703 Authors: Kiki Joesyiana, Arie Rifa'i Harahap, Rofiq Noorman Haryadi
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Read Statistic: 192

The Important Role of Academic Supervision in Improving the Quality of Education

Page: 704-716 Authors: HM Usman, Mudhofir Mudhofir, Islah Gusmian
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Read Statistic: 72

Analysis of Leverage, Profitability and Interest Rate Ratio on Company Value With Size as an Intervening Variable

(Empirical Study of LQ45 Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange 2019-2022)

Page: 717-733 Authors: Mohamad Ibnussoim, Suyanto Suyanto
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Read Statistic: 145

Determinants of Patient Loyalty at the Pratama Clinic Kota Tua Padang

Page: 734-739 Authors: Hilda Aripin, Oscar Jayanagara
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Read Statistic: 117

Influence of Promotional Strategies Through Social Media on The Purchase Decision of The Garskin Dimediate Word of Marketing

Page: 740-748 Authors: Karnawi Kamar, Eka Hendrayani, Sulistyo Budi Utomo, Widiastuti Furbani, Ratnawati Ratnawati
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Read Statistic: 295

Measuring the Root Determinants of Profitability Based on Murabahah Margins and Musyarakah Profit Sharing

Page: 749-757 Authors: Listiana Sri Mulatsih, Hermiyetti Hermiyetti, Jenita Jenita, Ngurah Pandji Mertha Agung Durya, Hartono Hartono
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Read Statistic: 239

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMEs) Strategies Through Business Digitalization in The Face Of Global Competition

Page: 758-767 Authors: Bambang Riyadi, Giyah Yuliari, Putra Perdana
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Read Statistic: 161

The Role of Social Responsibility of Sharia Financial Institution on Customer Loyalty

(Case Study: Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Bukittinggi Branch Office)

Page: 768-776 Authors: Sandra Dewi, Yaswirman Yaswirman, Rudi Febriamansyah, Henmaidi Henmaidi
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Read Statistic: 109

Modeling of a Business Incubator Program for Islamic Youth Organizations for the Development of Superior Rural Products

Page: 777-785 Authors: Mawi Khusni Albar, Khairunnisa Dwinalida, Yuliana Yuliana
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Read Statistic: 106

The Effect of Social Media Marketing and Brand Image on Purchase Decisions in Somethinc Products

Page: 786-793 Authors: Ismi Avia Febriyanti, Imanuddin Hasbi
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Read Statistic: 153

Influence of Financial Literacy, Risk Tolerance, Financial Efficacy on Investment Decisions and Financial Management Behavior

Page: 794-806 Authors: Firda Nisafera Ulfa, Supramono Supramono, Ardiani Ika Sulistyawati
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Read Statistic: 269

The Role of Physical and Non-Physical Programs in Enhancing Community Well-being Through the Leadership Style of Village Government

Page: 807-816 Authors: Andi Nadirah M.
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Read Statistic: 68

The Impact of ESG Disclosure, Liquidity, and Leverage on Firm Value Mediated by Profitability Performance

Page: 817-831 Authors: Nur Hikmah, Daljono Daljono
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Read Statistic: 244

Analysis of the Influence of Media Context and Advertising Creativity on Consumer Attitudes in Brand Selection through the Effectiveness of Prepaid Sim Card Advertising

(A study of the Perspective of Industrial Area Workers in Bekasi Regency, West Java Province)

Page: 832-843 Authors: Prista Tarigan , Jeffry H. Sinaulan, Yoga Fortuna
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Read Statistic: 248