Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v8i2

Published: Nov 15, 2020

Teacher Performance: The role of Professional Competence and Satisfaction

Page: 41-49 Authors: Bob Foster
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Read Statistic: 149

Quality of Regional Financial Statements: The Influence of Information Systems on Financial Management and Fixed Assets Management

Studies at Two Local Government Agencies in West Bandung Regency

Page: 50-55 Authors: Dhea Perdana Coenraad, Rahmahwati Rahmahwati
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Read Statistic: 441

Budget Governance Factors: A Survey of Lecturers at Private Universities in the South Sumatra Region

Page: 56-62 Authors: Muhammad Helmi
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Read Statistic: 92

Employee Performance: Effect of Competency and Quality of Work-life

Page: 63-69 Authors: Poppy Arnold Kadir, M. Liga Suryadana
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Read Statistic: 125

Exploring Trait Emotional Intelligent: Survey on Students during Covid-19

Page: 70-77 Authors: Muhamad Deni Johansyah, Iwan Sidharta
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Read Statistic: 112

Fuzzy Logic as A Private College Marketing Strategy in Efforts to Increase The Amount of Receipt of New Students

Page: 78-86 Authors: Fidziah Fidziah, Suhroji Adha
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Read Statistic: 141

The Role of School Principals in Improving Teacher Competence at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo

(Islamic Education Management Perspective)

Page: 87-102 Authors: Mahadin Saleh, Hasbi Hasbi, Radhiah Radhiah
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Read Statistic: 153

The Influence of Leadership and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Adira Finance Palopo

Page: 103-113 Authors: Salju Salju, M. Risal, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin
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Read Statistic: 367

The Influence of Leadership Style, Work Environment and Organizational Commitment on State Civil Apparatus Performance

Page: 114-121 Authors: Muh. Yusuf Q., Muhammad Aqsa, Charlie Charlie
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Read Statistic: 203

The Influence of Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Mahakam Branch Serang Banten

Page: 122-129 Authors: Rachmat Maulana
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Read Statistic: 115

The Effect of Competence and Training on the Effectiveness of Teacher Training Vocational School at Serang Region, Banten

Page: 130-137 Authors: Sri Mulyati
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Read Statistic: 84

The Influence of Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the Environmental Service Office of Serang City, Banten

Page: 138-146 Authors: Dedi Daryanto
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Read Statistic: 183

The Effect of Compensation and Service Period on Employee Performance at PT. Infomedia Nusantara Branch Bandung

Page: 147-154 Authors: Kosasih Kosasih, Nurjaya Nurjaya, Denok Sunarsi
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Read Statistic: 250

The Principal's Role as Supervisor

How to Improving the Professionalism of Educators of Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Malili, Kab. Luwu Timur

Page: 155-169 Authors: Nurlinda Nurlinda
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Effect of Compensation and Service on Employee Performance at PT. Infomedia Nusantara in Jakarta

Page: 170-180 Authors: Muhammad Ramdhan
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Read Statistic: 184

Social Influence in Non-formal Community Financial Institutions (Arisan)

Page: 181-186 Authors: Samsiah Nelly, F. X. Suwarto, Niko Sudibjo, Rudy Pramono
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Read Statistic: 140

The Role of Transformational Leadership, Self Efficacy and Professional Competence on Knowledge Sharing and Lecture Performance

Page: 187-201 Authors: Priyono Budi Santoso, John Tampil Purba, Gracia Shinta S. Ugut, Sidik Budiono
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Read Statistic: 318

The Role of e-marketing and Customer Oriented on Business Performance Through Customer Loyalty and Hotels Competitive Advantage

Page: 202-217 Authors: Leo Hutagalung, Poltak Sinaga, Jacob Tan, Martinus Tukiran
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Read Statistic: 320

The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Career Development and Work Ethic on Job Satisfaction with an Impact on Employee Performance at the Tangerang DPRD Secretariat

Page: 260-271 Authors: Hamsinah Hamsinah
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Read Statistic: 224

The Influence of Explicit Instruction Learning Model toward 11th Grade Student’s Learning Outcomes

Page: 272-280 Authors: Sahade Sahade, Yunita Susan Amsa
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Read Statistic: 123

The Effect of Motivation and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction with an Impact on Employee Performance at PT. Bina Agramulya in Jakarta

Page: 281-291 Authors: Anggada Bayu Seta
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Read Statistic: 248

The Influence of Work Discipline And Work Environment on Motivation That Has an Impact on Employee Productivity at PT. Argo Textile in Tangerang

Page: 292-303 Authors: Sri Mulyani
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Page: 304-313 Authors: Ahmad Syarief Iskandar, Tadjuddin Tadjuddin, Tadjuddin Tadjuddin, Lesti Lesti, Rahmat Rahmat
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Analysis of Management and Utilization of Non-Halal Funds

Page: 314-324 Authors: Andika Rusli, Sri Ayu Astuti AP, I Ketut Patra
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Implementation of The Simple Additive Weighting Method in Solving Decision Making Problems

Case Study of Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Selection

Page: 325-333 Authors: Abd. Rahman
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Read Statistic: 104