Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v7i2

Published: Nov 30, 2019

Effect of Delegative Leadership on Achievement Motivation and Continuous Commitment

Page: 44-53 Authors: Vicky Achmad Zulfikar, Robbi Saepul Rahman
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Read Statistic: 2088

Profitability and Capital Structure and its Impact on Dividend Policy: A Case Study of Real Estate Property Sectors Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2017

Page: 54-63 Authors: Imam Heryanto , Achmad Setya Nugraha
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Read Statistic: 210

Prequal: Analyzing The Forming Factors Of Telkomsel's Prepaid Customer Service Quality In Bandung

Page: 64-71 Authors: Irena Larashati, Ashila Dwiyanisa, Imelda Megawati
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Read Statistic: 148

The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Corporate Image at Grand Clarion Hotel Macassar

Page: 72-80 Authors: Rita Muis, M. Liga Suryadana
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Read Statistic: 339

Compensation on Preventive Discipline: Mediating the role of Employee Engagement

Page: 81-86 Authors: Dudung Juhana
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Read Statistic: 251

The Relationship between Principal Leadership and Teacher Performance with Student Characteristics Based on Local Culture in Senior High Schools

Page: 87-98 Authors: Nurdin Kaso, Nurul Aswar, Firman Firman, Dodi Ilham
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Read Statistic: 2154

Store Atmosphere Analysis and Shopping Emotion on Impulse Buying

(Empirical Study of Alfamart and Indomaret in Cijoropasir Sub-District, Rangkasbitung District, and Lebak District)

Page: 99-106 Authors: Suhroji Adha, Irawan Irawan, Mira Nurhikmat, Yulaikah Yulaikah, Sapari Kahpi
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Read Statistic: 273

Management of Independent Business-Based Private Madrasah Development at Madrasah Aliyah

Page: 107-117 Authors: Mahadin Shaleh, Andi Riawarda, Ummung Kallang
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Read Statistic: 164

Principal Management

How to Implemented Local Culture-Based Education at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Luwu Timur, Kab. Luwu Timur

Page: 118-130 Authors: Nurlinda Nurlinda
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Read Statistic: 121

The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Transplasindo Perkasa in Bandung

Page: 131-138 Authors: Kosasih Kosasih
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Read Statistic: 146

Effect of Motivation and Work Experience on Employee Performance at PT. Perkasa Sakti in Cimone

Page: 139-148 Authors: Muhammad Ramdhan
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Read Statistic: 209

The Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance at the Office of the National Land Agency of Tangerang City

Page: 149-154 Authors: Sri Mulyani
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Read Statistic: 158

The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment on Work Ethic Which Impact on Employee Performance at PT. Mitraindo Perkasa in Jakarta

Page: 155-165 Authors: Anggada Bayu Seta
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Read Statistic: 171