Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen contains scientific journals in the field of management studies that are open to access with the intention that the results of scientific publications. Can be widely reached and can be beneficial for scientific developments in the field of management science. Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen published twice a year and in 2019 transformed publishing scientific articles in English.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56457/jimk.v7i1

Published: Jun 15, 2019

Exploring Organizational Climate on Transportation Department in West Bandung Regency

Page: 1-7 Authors: Senen Machmud
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Read Statistic: 168

The Influence of Competence and Motivation on Employees Performance

Page: 8-14 Authors: Dewanta Fachrureza, M. Liga Suryadana
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Read Statistic: 382

Effect of Work Rotation on Job Satisfaction

Page: 15-21 Authors: Dedi Hadian
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Read Statistic: 354

Analysis of Equipment Layout Factors in Oil and Gas Companies

Page: 22-26 Authors: Dedi Setiadi Miharja, Adi Herlambang
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Read Statistic: 146

Effect of Service Quality on Customer Trust and Its Implications on Customer Satisfaction

Page: 27-32 Authors: Dudung Juhana
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Read Statistic: 380

The Effect of Affective Commitment to Teacher Performance Moderated by Certification Allowance

Page: 33-43 Authors: Imam Heryanto
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Read Statistic: 168