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In order to better understand the role of social entrepreneurship, government policies, and empowerment initiatives, this study looks at how micromarket structure is created in micro, small, and medium-sized firms (MSMEs) in Indonesia. In order to conduct a survey with a stratified random sample of 215 Indonesian MSMEs, this study used a quantitative technique. Data analysis techniques included partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis. The findings demonstrate the important influence of social entrepreneurship, governmental policies, and empowerment programs on the evolution of micro-market structures within the MSME sector. Social entrepreneurship in particular shows the potential of creative and socially conscious business ideas and has a positive effect on market structure. While empowerment programs like loan availability and training help to create a competitive market structure, government policies also have a significant impact on how the market is shaped. Policymakers, business owners, and development organizations that want to support effective and long-lasting market networks in Indonesia's MSMEs sector should take note of these findings.


Micro Market Structure Social Entrepreneurship Engagement Government Policy Empowerment, Indonesian MSMEs

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How to Cite
Harisandi, P., Mardiputra, I. M., Hidayah, Z. Z., Ramba, S. J. A., & Purwanto, P. (2024). Creation of Micro Market Structure in MSMEs in Review of Social Entrepreneurship Involvement, Government Policy and Empowerment. Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 12(1), 231-246.


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