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The presence of threads has enhanced users' ability to share stories, information and views in greater detail and effectively in the online world. Social media platforms allow users to interact, share content, and connect online. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to create a Social Network Analysis (SNA) network visualization and categorize the data to contribute to the understanding of user interaction on this platform. The research method in this study is the Social Network Analysis (SNA) approach to analyze the relationship between individuals in social networks. The results show that user participation in the Threads platform has a significant positive impact. The data shows a high level of participation, providing an understanding of user engagement in various topics. Social network analysis revealed characteristics of user interactions, such as the number of nodes, average connectedness, and relationship complexity. In addition, word categories and network visualizations provide insights into relationship patterns and topics in conversations.


threads twitter media social social network analysis

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How to Cite
Lestari, D. W., & Ambarwati, R. (2024). Social Network Analysis: Understanding User Behavior in Threads. Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 12(1), 115-124.


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