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The purpose of this study to identify, analyze and assess: the influence of organizational structure,
employee commitment and understanding of the purpose of operating the company's total productive
maintenance slate pencil group, and total productive maintenance influence on employee performance of the
company's operations slate pencil group. This research is descriptive and verification. The populations in this
study were employees of the company's operations slate pencil, while the unit observer is a staff of about
1,868 people with a sample of 317 employees. Analysis of the data using Path Analysis.
The results of this study showed that there is a significant effect partially, either directly or indirectly
between the variables of organizational structure, employee commitment and understanding of the operational
objectives of the implementation of total productive maintenance. Contributions amount of influence on the
organizational structure of the implementation of total productive maintenance in second place.
There is a simultaneous effect between organizational structure, employee commitment and
understanding of the operational objectives of the implementation of total productive maintenance. Operation
objective understanding of the application of total productive maintenance have the most influence among the
three variables studied and followed by the organizational structure and employee commitment.
Influence simultaneously or jointly variable organizational structure, employee commitment, and
understanding operating purposes of the application of total productive maintenance at 0.616. While the
remaining 38.4% is influenced by other variables outside the model is not examined. There is the influence of
the implementation of total productive maintenance on employee performance of operations with the amount
of influence of 73,2% (seventy-three point two) percent. Thus the effect of the implementation of total
productive maintenance on employee performance of operations is very significant.


organizational structure employee commitment total productive maintenance

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How to Cite
Sutrisno, S. (2017). Kajian Pengaruh Struktur Organisasi, Komitmen Karyawan, dan Pemahaman Tujuan Operasi terhadap Penerapan Total Production Maintanance (TPM) serta Implikasinya pada Kinerja Karyawan. Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 5(1), 57-67.