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This study aims to determine whether there is a significant influence between Leverage (DAR) and Company Size (Size) on Company Value (PBV). The method used in this study is a quantitative method by taking Financial Report data from PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk for the 2013-2022 period. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption tests, simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination. The results of this study indicate that partially the Leverage variable as measured by the Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) has no effect on Company Value as measured by Price Book Value (PBV), and the Company Size variable as measured by Size has a significant effect on company value. Simultaneously, Leverage and Company Size have an effect on company value, where F count is 19,556 while F table is 4.46 with a significance level of 0.001b. So F count 19,556> 4.46 F table and significance of 0.001b <0.05. Based on the Determination Coefficient Test, the results are 0.848 or 84.8%. This shows that the influence of Leverage (DAR) and Company Size (Size) on Company Value (PBV) is 84.8%, which means that the influence of these two ratios is very large and around 15.2% is influenced by other variables that are not examined in this study.
Debt To Assets Ratio
Price Book Value
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How to Cite
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