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The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze: (1) how the condition of situational leadership,
organizational culture, team work and organizational performance. (2) how the influence of situational
leadership scale effect on Team Work. (3) how the influence of organizational culture effect on Team Work.(4)
how much the Situational Leadership and Organizational Culture influence on Team Work (5) how much the
implications of Team Work on Organizational Performance in Office of County and City of West Java Province.
The result showed: (1) Implementation Situational, Leadership, Organization Culture, Team Work and
Organizational Performance accurate on Departments in good classification storey; level.(2) Covariance
variables average Situational Leadership could predictability Situational Leadership of 62.10%, the effect of
partial structurally Situational Leadership to Team Work of 41.95%. (3) Covariance variable average
Organizational Culture could predictability Organizational Culture of 76.50%., Organizational Culture
structurally partial effect on Team Work of 30.87%. (4) Situational leadership structurally and Cultural
Organization Team Work simultaneous influence of 72.82%. The remaining balance of 27.18% is the mistake
of excluding variable indicators research (5) Team Work Covariance variables, the average could predictability
the Team Work of 81.85%. Team Work partially structurally influence the performance of the Organization of
74.38%, the remaining balance of 25.62% is the mistake of the variable indicators outside the study (6)
Covariance Organizational Performance variables, the average could affect Organizational performance of


situational leadership organizational culture team work organizational performance

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How to Cite
Suhana, N. (2017). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Situasional dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Team Work serta Implikasinya pada Kinerja Organisasi . Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 5(2), 77-86.