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This research is expected to provide inputs for decision-makers in setting policies for the improvement of
faculty performance, set formulation and Operational measures to improve lectures performance, and is able
to provide the alternative policy of lrctures performence professor who in turn are able to produce qualified
Sampling taken from the research is based on the number of lectures population who one in 3 (three)
Maritime high school, which is a lecturer in the School of Maritime (STIP), Maritime Education and Training
Institution (BP3IP), and the Maritime Academy Djadajat as much. Furthermore, from a population of lectures is
based on the number of samples taken Solvin technique and obtained the sample of 181 lecturers. While
using the Descriptive Research Method Approach, and verifikatif to test the truth of a hypothesis using Path
Analysis (Path Analysis), in order to get the effects of competence, motivation, facilities and budgeting, and
technology and information to the performance of lecturers, as well as the recent implications for welfare . The
results showed as a whole, and together the factors that affect the performance of lectures is the condition of
competence, motivation, condition of facilities, infrastructure and technology and information simultaneously
and contribute significantly to the performance of lectures. The great influence of the factors that affect the
performance of sequential lecturers are as follows; factors that have the greatest contribution is the existence
of a motivating factor, then secondly infrastructure conditions, the factor of technology and information and the
last is of the competence of the lectures. The impact of these factors influence the performance of lectures is
also significantly affect to the performance of lectures welfare.


facilities and budgeting lecturer performance

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How to Cite
Harsono, S. (2017). Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kinerja Dosen dan Implikasinya pada Kesejahteraan Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Maritim. Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 5(1), 14-24.